Tips On How To Plan Your Kitchen's Lighting Layout

2 min read

20 Tips for Planning Your Kitchen Lighting Design Bob Vila

Tips on How to Plan Your Kitchen’s Lighting Layout


Having a well-planned lighting layout in your kitchen is essential to create a functional and visually appealing space. Proper lighting can enhance the ambiance, improve visibility, and highlight the key features of your kitchen. In this article, we will provide you with some valuable tips on how to plan your kitchen’s lighting layout.

1. Assess the Space

Before you start planning your kitchen’s lighting layout, it is important to assess the space and understand its different areas and functions. Consider the size, shape, and layout of your kitchen, as well as the natural light sources and any existing fixtures. This will help you determine the type and number of lights needed for each area.

2. Determine the Lighting Zones

Divide your kitchen into different lighting zones based on the different tasks performed in each area. Common lighting zones include ambient lighting for overall illumination, task lighting for specific work areas such as the countertop or stove, and accent lighting to highlight architectural features or decorative elements.

3. Layer the Lighting

Layering the lighting in your kitchen involves combining different types of lights to create a balanced and versatile lighting scheme. Use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lights to provide overall illumination, focused lighting for specific tasks, and decorative lighting to add visual interest.

4. Choose the Right Fixtures

Selecting the right fixtures is crucial for achieving the desired lighting effect in your kitchen. Consider the style and size of your kitchen, as well as the overall design theme. Pendant lights, recessed lights, under-cabinet lights, and track lights are popular choices for kitchen lighting.

5. Maximize Natural Light

If your kitchen has access to natural light, make the most of it by incorporating large windows or skylights. Natural light not only provides a pleasant ambiance but also helps reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day. Use window treatments that allow you to control the amount of light entering the space.

6. Use Dimmers

Installing dimmers for your kitchen lights allows you to adjust the level of brightness according to your needs and mood. Dimmers provide flexibility and can create different atmospheres, whether you need bright lighting for cooking or a softer glow for dining or entertaining.

7. Consider Energy Efficiency

Opt for energy-efficient lighting options such as LED bulbs or compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) to reduce energy consumption and lower your electricity bills. These types of lights last longer and emit less heat compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.

8. Consult a Professional

If you’re unsure about the best lighting layout for your kitchen or need assistance with installation, it is advisable to consult a professional electrician or lighting designer. They can provide expert advice, recommend suitable fixtures, and ensure the proper installation of your kitchen lights.

9. Regular Maintenance

Once you have planned and installed your kitchen lighting layout, it is important to maintain it regularly. Clean the fixtures, replace burnt-out bulbs, and check for any electrical issues to ensure optimal performance and safety.


Planning your kitchen’s lighting layout is a crucial step in creating a functional and visually appealing space. By assessing the space, determining the lighting zones, layering the lighting, choosing the right fixtures, maximizing natural light, using dimmers, considering energy efficiency, consulting a professional, and maintaining the lights regularly, you can create a well-lit kitchen that meets your needs and enhances your overall cooking and dining experience.