Hgtv: Nate Berkus And Jeremiah Brent's Formal Dining Room Doesn't Work

2 min read

Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent's House Rock The Block HGTV in 2021


When it comes to interior design, Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent are known for their impeccable taste and ability to create stunning spaces. However, even the best designers can sometimes miss the mark. One area where they seem to have missed the mark is in their formal dining room designs. In this article, we will explore why their formal dining rooms often don’t work and what you can do to avoid making the same mistakes in your own home.

Why Formal Dining Rooms Don’t Work

Formal dining rooms have become less popular in recent years, as many homeowners prefer more casual and open-concept living spaces. However, for those who still enjoy hosting formal dinners and entertaining guests, a well-designed formal dining room can be a beautiful addition to a home. The problem with many of Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s formal dining room designs is that they lack functionality and fail to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Lack of Functionality

One common issue with Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s formal dining rooms is a lack of functionality. While these rooms may look beautiful, they often lack the necessary features to make them practical for everyday use. For example, the tables may be too small to comfortably seat a large number of guests, or there may not be enough storage space for dishes and other dining essentials. Without these essential features, the dining room becomes more of a showpiece than a functional space.

Creating a Warm and Inviting Atmosphere

Another problem with Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s formal dining rooms is the lack of a warm and inviting atmosphere. These rooms often feel cold and sterile, making guests feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. One reason for this is the overuse of formal and traditional design elements, such as heavy drapes and ornate furniture. While these elements can be beautiful, they can also create a sense of formality that is not conducive to relaxed dining and conversation.

Tips for Designing a Functional and Inviting Formal Dining Room

If you’re looking to create a formal dining room that is both functional and inviting, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Consider the size of your space: Before purchasing any furniture or accessories, make sure to measure your space and consider how many guests you want to accommodate. This will help you determine the appropriate size for your dining table and other furnishings.

2. Choose comfortable seating: While formal dining rooms often feature more formal and structured seating, it’s important to prioritize comfort. Look for chairs with supportive backs and cushioned seats to ensure your guests can enjoy their meal without discomfort.

3. Add personal touches: To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, consider adding personal touches to your dining room. This could include family photos, artwork, or sentimental objects that reflect your personal style and history.

4. Opt for versatile lighting: Lighting is crucial in creating the right atmosphere in a dining room. Consider installing a dimmer switch to adjust the lighting level based on the occasion. Additionally, choose a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a layered and inviting space.

5. Balance formal and informal elements: While a formal dining room should have an air of elegance, it’s important to balance formal elements with more relaxed and informal touches. This could include mixing different furniture styles, incorporating natural materials, or adding a playful centerpiece.


Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent’s formal dining room designs may be stunning to look at, but they often lack functionality and fail to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. By considering the size of your space, choosing comfortable seating, adding personal touches, opting for versatile lighting, and balancing formal and informal elements, you can create a formal dining room that is both functional and inviting. Remember, it’s important to design a space that suits your personal style and meets your needs, rather than simply following trends or replicating someone else’s design.