Why Mirrors Should Never Face The Bathroom Door According To Feng Shui

2 min read

Mirror directly facing the front door is a big nono because it repels


Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement, has been gaining popularity in recent years as people seek to create harmony and balance in their lives. One of the key principles of Feng Shui is the proper placement of mirrors in the home. According to this philosophy, mirrors should never face the bathroom door. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this belief and how it can impact the energy flow in your home.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a practice that originated in ancient China and is based on the idea that the placement of objects in your environment can affect your well-being and happiness. It is believed that by arranging your surroundings in a certain way, you can create a positive flow of energy, or chi, that will bring you good fortune and harmony.

The Significance of Mirrors in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, mirrors are considered powerful tools that can be used to redirect and enhance energy flow. They are often used to bring more light into a space and create a sense of expansion. Mirrors are also believed to have the ability to double the energy in a room, which can be both positive and negative depending on their placement.

Why Mirrors Should Never Face the Bathroom Door

According to Feng Shui principles, mirrors should never face the bathroom door because they can create a negative energy flow. The bathroom is considered a place of purification and release, and the mirror reflects this energy. When the mirror faces the door, it is believed that the positive energy is redirected back into the bathroom, preventing it from flowing into the rest of the home.

Impact on Energy Flow

When a mirror faces the bathroom door, it can disrupt the natural flow of energy in your home. Instead of the positive energy entering the space and circulating throughout, it gets trapped in the bathroom, creating a stagnant and negative environment. This can lead to feelings of unease, discomfort, and even health issues.

Alternative Mirror Placements

If you have a mirror facing your bathroom door, there are a few simple remedies you can try. One option is to reposition the mirror so that it reflects something positive, such as a beautiful view or a piece of artwork. Another alternative is to cover the mirror with a fabric or curtain when the bathroom is not in use.

Other Feng Shui Considerations for the Bathroom

In addition to mirror placement, there are other Feng Shui principles that can enhance the energy in your bathroom. It is recommended to keep the bathroom clean and clutter-free, as this allows for a smooth flow of energy. Adding plants or natural elements, such as bamboo or crystals, can also help to create a more harmonious and balanced space.


In Feng Shui, the proper placement of mirrors is crucial for creating a positive energy flow in your home. Mirrors should never face the bathroom door as it can disrupt the natural circulation of energy and create a stagnant environment. By following these guidelines and making simple adjustments, you can enhance the harmony and balance in your space, promoting a sense of well-being and prosperity.