Decor Ideas For Bathroom Shelves: 10 Ways To Keep Your Essentials Organized

2 min read

This approach looks so amazing Bathroom Update Ideas Bathroom shelf

Bathroom shelves are an essential part of any bathroom, but they can often get cluttered and disorganized. When you have limited space in your bathroom, it is important to make sure everything is in its place. If you’re looking for ways to keep your bathroom shelves organized, here are 10 decor ideas to help you out.

1. Get Creative With Containers

The key to keeping your bathroom shelves organized is to use containers. You can find containers of all shapes and sizes to help you store your essentials. From baskets to jars, there are plenty of ways to keep your items organized. You can even get creative and use mason jars or old coffee cans to store items like cotton balls or makeup brushes. Plus, colorful containers will add a nice decorative touch to your bathroom.

2. Add Some Hooks

Hooks are an easy way to keep your items off the shelves and make the most of your space. You can use hooks to hang towels, robes, or even jewelry. You can also hang a basket from a hook to keep all your items in one place. It’s an easy way to keep your shelves tidy and organized.

3. Use Baskets

Baskets are a great way to store items and keep them out of sight. Place a basket on your shelf to store items like toilet paper, extra shampoo and conditioner, or even cleaning supplies. This will help you keep your shelves looking neat and organized.

4. Labels Are Your Friend

Labels are a great way to keep track of all the items on your shelves. You can label the bins or containers that you use to store items. This will help you find what you’re looking for quickly and easily. You can also label the shelves themselves to make sure everything is in its place.

5. Make Use of Vertical Space

Don’t forget to make use of vertical space in your bathroom. You can use tall, slender containers to store items like cotton swabs, makeup brushes, and more. You can also hang up a towel rack or a wall-mounted shelf above the sink to store items. This will help you make the most of your space.

6. Add Some Greenery

Adding some greenery to your bathroom shelves is a great way to add a touch of life to your space. You can use small plants or succulents to bring a bit of nature into your bathroom. Not only will it look beautiful, but it will also help purify the air in your bathroom.

7. Utilize Wall Space

Don’t forget to make use of the wall space in your bathroom. You can hang up shelves or baskets to store items like toilet paper, extra towels, or cleaning supplies. This will help you keep your shelves free of clutter and make the most of your space.

8. Use Trays

If you’re looking for a way to keep your bathroom shelves organized, trays can be a great solution. Place a tray on your shelf to store items like soap, shampoo, and conditioner. This will help you keep your shelves tidy and organized.

9. Add Some Decorative Touches

Adding a few decorative touches to your bathroom shelves can really help to make them look more organized. You can add a few candles, photos, or other small items to add a bit of style to your shelves. This will help you keep your shelves looking neat and tidy.

10. Get Creative

The most important thing to remember when decorating your bathroom shelves is to get creative. There are plenty of ways to keep your items organized and make the most of the space. Whether you’re using containers, baskets, labels, or trays, you can find a way to make your shelves look great and keep your essentials organized.


When it comes to decorating your bathroom shelves, the possibilities are endless. From containers to hooks and trays, there are plenty of ways to keep your essentials organized. With a bit of creativity, you can make your bathroom shelves look great and keep your items in order.